Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Windows Skydrive vs Google Docs

Following up on my previous post, here is a link to an article comparing the features of Skydrive and Google Docs.

My preference would be to use Skydrive as an online storage spot on the cloud, but for all import, export and emailing work, Google docs would be my first choice.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Google Docs Finally Makes It Easy to Download All Your Documents

Google docs has now expanded the export feature with a new download "Export All" option. Using this functionality, we can download our entire library of Google Docs documents to the harddrive as a zipped file. This feature will be very handy if we ever want to move from a standard Gmail account to Google Apps (with our own domain).

To download Google Documents, select "Export" under the "More Actions" drop-down menu and then select the "Export All" checkbox. You can export up to 2 GB of files but if your account has more data, you’ll see a message with a list of files that aren’t included in the zip file.